Type of Questions...

DS doesn't like to be asked questions. I believe it stems from the fact that he doesn't like to be tested, because he could be wrong. The same reason he is a not a big Math-liker. Because Math has only rights and wrongs and he doesn't like to be wrong...

...similarly questions are the same for him.

A few days ago, I had asked him a question as to why he likes Indian cars more than US cars. That put him in a spin. He started talking through his thinking and was not really clear why I had asked him that question. Did I mean that he should not like Indian cars ? Did I mean that he should know more about US cars ?

We actually discussed through that like part of it - what could be the reason; he had spent more parts of his life in India ? There were new cars every year in India and he could incrementally learn ? Always the first like is a lasting like ? etc etc...

But to us, it gave us a model... There are three types of questions:

  1. Learning Questions - the questions people ask him, when they do not know something. Like when he is asked directions
  2. Thought Questions - the questions people ask him, when they want to get his opinion or his reasoning - things that make him think about the topic or himself. There are no right and wrong, but its very subjective
  3. Test Questions - the questions people ask him, when they want to know what he knows.
of course, the #3 is the one he hates. But, this is the first onslaught :-) He now is aware that these three types exist. The awareness if the first step of internalization... Lets see where it goes.

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