A for acceptance, B for Be...

[Note: Above was the post that I had posted in the Autism India Yahoo group as an input to the discussion on caregivers and acceptance]

(or like Sir Paul said, Let it be ! :) )

I actually was in the sidelines like someone else has said and watching. Then I decided to jump in with my 2pips...

1) I think "A" for acceptance is the key. Not acceptance of Autism, but acceptance of diversity of views and contra opinions. I think it is this trait that has made science progress as much as it has. The point is to keep it at the situation and not at a personal level. Like xxxx had pointed out that everyone in Autism has contributed immensely to the awareness, development and intervention-techniques. But at the same time, expecting everyone to be know-all outside of their realm of expertise is also setting us (parents) for failure. So, its key that parent can make that differentiation. To me, that parent's first challenge was there was a gap between his expectation and the result he was handed with. Its his learning curve. While I acknowledge and even look up at awe at these institutions and people who have given so much, I also very strongly believe its the parent that feels the utmost pain for their child. So, when zzzz posted his contra view, while I will NOT agree to what he has said (and I'm glad the group moderator took the references out), I can completely empathize with his moment of pain and frustration and what he went through. From that perspective, I do hope we acknowledge his pain and disappointment. After all this is also the "Parent support" group.

2) On Acceptance of autism. I don't think I'm ready to accept autism. IMHO, lets not confuse that with the 'acceptance of our child'. I accept my child for what he is and what he does and I do feel proud for the kind of effort he makes every day, but i do NOT accept that his condition is a 'given'. I do believe, like he has done in the past 6 years, he will improve and I will do what it takes (within my resources) to ensure he continuously gets all the inputs; I do

  • GFCF to take away his physical inhibitors
  • RDI to do-over his neuron connections :) and provide him with a framework for to think
  • Waldorf-kind of education for him to experience stories and use the RDI framework to make connections
  • SI for him to get physical confidence and take away the noises

Thank you,

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