- Do massage of his teeth and gums (with fingers)
- Some dental clean-up taking him to the dentist and photographing those
- Prep for braces by the Orthodontist - by having an elastic band tied to his teeth four weeks ago and then some metal rings three weeks ago.
So far, not much issues - he has complained of some pain - have applied the gel that the doc had given him and also crocin. He has been settling down. Due to grace from the one up above, we are not having much of an issue (touch wood); I tend to believe that there is some enduring (and endearing) fortitude in these kids that we cannot really fathom !
He is also looking forward to the fact that after September (when he believes the braces would be off), he is going to be much more handsome ! We have told him that !! And he feels shy about that !!! (That should be a good sign :)) !