On Stage

About 10d ago, we had our "Apartment day" - Basically it is an annual celebration of formation of our apartment. Typically we have sports and cultural events. The sporting event starts couple of weeks earlier to the cultural.

DS was very keen that he participate in everything. He participated in sports (cycling and swimming). Of course, it was fun to watch him get onto the cycling race; and cycle normally (400m) around the apartment, completely ignoring that in the race that you need to be cycle faster. It, was in a way, sweet to watch him to do that. Then the same pattern on the swimming too.

As I had indicated in an earlier post he did sing MS's "Oli padaitha Kanninai" on stage. I do believe he did fairly a reasonable job at it, modulating as per pitch in the song (taped it and sending it to our RDI consultant). But the best was yet to come...

...The program ended with 3 girls dancing to a movie song. Towards the end of the song, whole audience of kids joined into the dance as the music played on. DS said he wanted to join the dance and ran to join the dance with all other kids on stage. His dance was jumping up and down. He paused at one point, intently watched the dance of other kids, as if he is studying their moves, then resumed his dance ! Also, captured on Video for our consultant to see!!!

It was quite cute and heartwarming to watch...


Anonymous said...

Steps he has taken to move forward:
:)participating in all events
:)Wanting to dance along with others.
:)Watching them dance and probably learning the movements.. why dont you try initiating a similar dance at home and see if he is picking it up!

Anonymous said...

Its really heartening to hear that.

Why don't you put him into a dance class if he likes it so much.
The only problem I guess will be structuring the dance steps. But, if he is keen he might learn it in no time.

Good luck. Keep posting. Its really nice to see him progress.