Perspective Taking and Flexible Thinking...

I've been thinking hard as DS is growing up. He amazes us with certain way of thinking and acceptance and extreme flexibility and sometimes in an exact opposite way, that is quite frustrating. For instance, we had a guest, a distant relative of ours staying with us today. DS has a set routine in the morning - he wakes to two tamil songs and keeps his piece of paper and brings out his "Chuck" (favourite pillow outside the room). Today, since the guest was at home, he forewent all these things very voluntarily, since he did not want the guest to wonder!! So, looks like DS has an understanding of what is appropriate and what is inappropriate in changing cirumstances.

Anyways, since the 3rd RDA was done, we have been thinking about what is really required that would aid his independent living later on. I figure, there are two arms to it - one on the skills side and the other on the thinking side of it (loosely, Skills and functions). I've a belief that once the thinking side develops, the skills side would come.

I decided to do a mindmap of deriving it down further on how it could be broken down. The green-leaf indicates the action (RDI-Labs and encoding?) that would be required. There is another discussion we are having with a friend of ours, who is pretty much a pioneer in "thinking" in this area... How would Think-blocks help here ? (please click on the picture to see it better)

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