Mirror stories...

Thanks to Harvest Mom's (and Enki backgrounder), we have some understanding of mirror stories. The intent of it being tell a story (on nature) and let the story be the trigger for reflection; and not have the story be prescriptive (like a social story)...

I've modeled my concept of mirror stories around the above and wrote about:
Mani, the mountain (the patient one)
Vasavi, the waves (the angry one)
Saami, the sands (the lazy one)
Manju, the (mango) tree (the kind one)
Vinoo, the wind (the mischievous one)

Since these are made-up, i'm trying to correlate these with certain things that he likes and has good episodic memory on... (like Mountains would be Simla; Waves would beach in Chennai, Mauritius etc)

I did Mani, the mountain and Vasavi the waves yesterday again - end of the day setting, most relaxed etc...

DS came back with his own last night - Bala the Bus (eventually, Bala the bus, the helpful): the essence was Bala, the bus (he has gotten the alliterative concept :) ) is a bus that goes from here to there; in his story, a car breaks down and the bus comes along and take the people in the car... at this point in time, we named it as "Bala, the bus, the helpful one".

My question, since last night has been, if mirror stories are reflective in nature, does his story on Bala, mean one of the two ?

1) He is seeing himself as Bala the bus who wants to help others or
2) he is the car and when he breaks down he is expecting Bala, the bus to come and help him ?

If he thinks he is the car... then may be he is scared/lost... not knowing what to do...

I plan to enact Bala, the bus with TBs and lets see what comes out of it; I'm also wondering if its a good idea (in the RDI approach) to encode this in some-way - that if he is the car, he should look for Bala...

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